3 Tips To Help You Prepare Your Roof For The Coming Fall

With the end of summer just around the corner and fall just a few short weeks away at this point, most homeowners are finishing up their summer home improvement projects and gearing up for the latter half of the year. Fall certainly does have its fair share of activities to look forward to, whether you and the family are keen on looking through the local pumpkin patch, preparing for upcoming visits from family, or you just happen to enjoy the milder weather, but in addition to getting out of the house and enjoying everything the fall has to offer, it is important to ensure that your home is getting the care it needs this fall to make it through the remainder of the year in good shape, and your roof is a good place to start. To help highlight just a few of the things you can do this fall that can help make sure that your roof is properly prepared for the later fall and winter months, our team of skilled Mobile roofing contractors have taken the time to put together this short list of helpful tips we have collected over the years that can help you do so. We invite you to take a quick read through and give our team of professional roofing contractors a call for your next service appointment today.
Clear Off Debris
While falling leaves and pine needles can be an issue at numerous times of the year, they tend to become more prevalent during the fall, and inevitably, a great deal of those leaves, pine needles, and other debris tends to find its way up onto your roof. This fall, one of the most important things you can do is to make sure that your roof gets thoroughly cleared of any debris that might be sitting in place, as it can lead to a number of different issues over time. All of that organic debris can collect a surprising amount of water over time, and as it sits up there, it can become a perfect breeding ground for mold, mildew, and even algae, all of which can cause damage to your roof’s surface over time. This fall, make sure that you break out the ladder and clear away any lingering debris left on your roof from the previous season, or have a professional come in and do so.
Clean Your Gutters
Your gutters are an often-overlooked aspect of your roofing system, but despite that, they actually serve an incredibly important purpose for your roof. When your gutters become stuffed with leaves, however, they won’t be able to channel the water off of your roof safely away from your home’s foundation, which can cause erosion over time, and especially damage any flowerbeds or the like that you have around your home. This fall, take the time to fully clean out your gutters, or call in a professional to do so for you. Not only will this help to keep your gutters flowing smoothly, but it will also give you a great chance to inspect your gutters for any signs of damage they might have suffered over the course of the year.
Get A Roof Inspection
The spring and summer months can be a tough time for your roof, and in order to make sure that your roof is in the best shape going into the coming fall and winter months, one of the most important things you can do is to have a professional come out and give your roof a thorough inspection. During the course of your roofing inspection, our team of skilled professionals will thoroughly go over your roof’s surface and be on the lookout for any signs of damage that might be too small to notice from the sidewalk, and determine their threat, as well as what needs to be done in order to fix them.